Newbie post
(too old to reply)
2004-09-26 13:12:49 UTC
Hi all,

I've been lurking here for a while and have decided to finally post
something. I would like to build my own solid body bass and have been
looking at the Carvin kits and also Warmoth's offerings. They seem to be a
good starting point since much of what seems to be the more difficult parts
are already done for me. I am not a wood worker but I have friends who are
and are willing to teach me. I like the idea of building my own. When I
decided to replace my golf clubs I got a Golfsmith catalog, ordered the
component parts I wanted and built my own set. They're great, I love them.
Anyways - my question is this: what should my expectations be? Does anyone
have any advice? I've already received catalogs from StewMac and LMII.
Would a jazz bass with a pre-finished neck from Warmoth be a reasonable
starting point or would a Carvin kit be more appropriate?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

remove "nospam" to reply
2004-09-26 13:44:45 UTC
I've ordered guitar bodies & necks from the companies you've mentioned
below. (not any bass parts)

The only comment I have is that the Carvin bass neck will be ready to
install (except for the finish) - but any other necks from Stew-Mac or
Warmoth will require installing a nut & dressing the frets (and

Carvin kits are probably the best to start with. You'll wind up with a
ready-to-play instrument in a minium amount of time. And it'll give
you confidance to tackle larger projects (and you'll have a finished
instrument to use as a reference).

Lastly the neck is important, because it has the most effect on the
instruments playability.

just my $0.02


On Sun, 26 Sep 2004 09:12:49 -0400, "MrBill"
Post by MrBill
Hi all,
I've been lurking here for a while and have decided to finally post
something. I would like to build my own solid body bass and have been
looking at the Carvin kits and also Warmoth's offerings. They seem to be a
good starting point since much of what seems to be the more difficult parts
are already done for me. I am not a wood worker but I have friends who are
and are willing to teach me. I like the idea of building my own. When I
decided to replace my golf clubs I got a Golfsmith catalog, ordered the
component parts I wanted and built my own set. They're great, I love them.
Anyways - my question is this: what should my expectations be? Does anyone
have any advice? I've already received catalogs from StewMac and LMII.
Would a jazz bass with a pre-finished neck from Warmoth be a reasonable
starting point or would a Carvin kit be more appropriate?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
remove "nospam" to reply
2004-09-26 20:26:51 UTC
Post by unknown
I've ordered guitar bodies & necks from the companies you've mentioned
below. (not any bass parts)
The only comment I have is that the Carvin bass neck will be ready to
install (except for the finish) - but any other necks from Stew-Mac or
Warmoth will require installing a nut & dressing the frets (and
I did email Warmoth and ask them about their necks. Apparently you can get
them as raw or as finished as you like. I was thinking also about a Moses
neck. Don't those come ready to install?


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