Music critique and a Web hosting site for Musicians
(too old to reply)
Steve Lewis
2003-08-28 20:07:39 UTC
Hi Group,

I've been browsing this news group for quite awhile but I never got a
chance to tell you anything about myself. I started a Record Company
with the daughter of a friend of my wife. Her name is Debbie Kanaan
(http://www.debbiekanaan.com). We have an album out but without the
money to push it we haven't sold too many of them. However we are
still on rotation lists on a bunch of radio stations in the US and
Debbie has done a couple of live interviews. Since then we've started
a Demo Business and Jingle Company and now a Web Site Hosting Company
for Musicians. I'd love some feedback on our songs and our jingles.
Our sites are below:

http://www.creativerecords.net We were spending so much money on web
space that we decided to become a web hosting company. Hey, if you
need some web space, please let us know. I'll give discounts to people
from this list. Just write to us and we'll give you a discount coupon

http://www.creativerecords.com This site is our main site for our
record company. You can hear most of the whole album here but you can
hear the whole album at (http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/kanaan). I still
have to get the whole album on our own site. Please feel free to buy
the album :

http://www.recorddemo.com This site has a bunch of songs that we've
written since the album was released. The song I love you was written
for Debbie's wedding.

http://www.jingledoctor.com We have a 10 minute jingle production demo
on the site as well as our latest jingle for Mortgage Now.

Anyway let me know what you think of our music. Sometimes you are so
close to what you are doing that you need some outside feedback.
Thanks for all the good posts.

Steve Lewis
2003-08-28 20:37:48 UTC

I certainly hope to hear from you more on some "on topic" topics. If you
have been following the NG as you maintain, you'll know that I am not a
luthier, I just like to hang out with these guys and gals to get some
insights into how they put these woundrous beauties together....I am nobody,
so please do not be offended and shun the group due to my humble
intervention. In any event, while I sincerely hope you get your business off
the ground, I would like to caution you against early diversification.
Concentration on Debbie's distribution deals should be your priority...shag
her if you can...no business of mine...but be sure that the efforts you put
on her distribution are at least equal top those you place in thess new
web-related ventures. BTW, as your first post...this is sooooo spamish!

The opinions, comments, and advice offered by me, are mine alone.
As such, they carry as much weight as a feather in a snow storm.
Gear Page at: http://www3.sympatico.ca/cybrserf/Gear.htm
Post by Steve Lewis
Hi Group,
I've been browsing this news group for quite awhile but I never got a
chance to tell you anything about myself. I started a Record Company
with the daughter of a friend of my wife. Her name is Debbie Kanaan
(http://www.debbiekanaan.com). We have an album out but without the
money to push it we haven't sold too many of them. However we are
still on rotation lists on a bunch of radio stations in the US and
Debbie has done a couple of live interviews. Since then we've started
a Demo Business and Jingle Company and now a Web Site Hosting Company
for Musicians. I'd love some feedback on our songs and our jingles.
http://www.creativerecords.net We were spending so much money on web
space that we decided to become a web hosting company. Hey, if you
need some web space, please let us know. I'll give discounts to people
from this list. Just write to us and we'll give you a discount coupon
http://www.creativerecords.com This site is our main site for our
record company. You can hear most of the whole album here but you can
hear the whole album at (http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/kanaan). I still
have to get the whole album on our own site. Please feel free to buy
http://www.recorddemo.com This site has a bunch of songs that we've
written since the album was released. The song I love you was written
for Debbie's wedding.
http://www.jingledoctor.com We have a 10 minute jingle production demo
on the site as well as our latest jingle for Mortgage Now.
Anyway let me know what you think of our music. Sometimes you are so
close to what you are doing that you need some outside feedback.
Thanks for all the good posts.
Steve Lewis
Mike Dotson
2003-08-28 23:29:48 UTC
<< .Oh yeah...obviously, I was only tongue-in-cheek with regards to the
shagging business.>>

Shagging, tounge-in-what? Hey this is a family NG!

<<uhm...but I wonder, given his diversification, do you
think he might have a Web site with some pics of little Debbie? >>

Now THAT might make some $$s


2003-08-29 01:59:12 UTC
Hi Guys,

Yes it's spamish and yes i've been reading this news group for awile.
A friend of mine jeppsonguitars.com I think is on this group and
before I builit a Carvin bass I searched and might have posted here or
another as well.

Alas, Debbie is the daughter of a friend. I've known her since she's 9
years old and though the thoughts go through my head I realize she is
more like a daughter to me. And, how did you know I was married?

Post by Mike Dotson
<< .Oh yeah...obviously, I was only tongue-in-cheek with regards to the
shagging business.>>
Shagging, tounge-in-what? Hey this is a family NG!
<<uhm...but I wonder, given his diversification, do you
think he might have a Web site with some pics of little Debbie? >>
Now THAT might make some $$s
David C. Hurd
2003-08-29 06:14:04 UTC
If you can't even use the spell checker on your e-mail, how can you
expect us to believe that you can do website hosting...
David C. Hurd
Post by unknown
Hi Guys,
Yes it's spamish and yes i've been reading this news group for awile.
A friend of mine jeppsonguitars.com I think is on this group and
before I builit a Carvin bass I searched and might have posted here or
another as well.
Alas, Debbie is the daughter of a friend. I've known her since she's 9
years old and though the thoughts go through my head I realize she is
more like a daughter to me. And, how did you know I was married?
Post by Mike Dotson
<< .Oh yeah...obviously, I was only tongue-in-cheek with regards to the
shagging business.>>
Shagging, tounge-in-what? Hey this is a family NG!
<<uhm...but I wonder, given his diversification, do you
think he might have a Web site with some pics of little Debbie? >>
Now THAT might make some $$s
Mike Dotson
2003-08-29 14:28:36 UTC
Steve if you do follow the group that's great. We like to have fun with real
Spammers as I'm sure you know. So if we were a bit harsh IO'm sure you'll

I think you said your musical partner's mom was a friend of your wife's.

2003-08-29 14:53:26 UTC
<sigh>...No such luck Mike...I noticed that today Steve copied the exact
same introduction in RMMG...the same one he posted here...word-for-word...It
would have been pleasant if Steve's motives were other than commercial, but
I have serious reservations...and saddly, in my books, he is one post away
from a royal PLONK!

Methinks something is rotten in Debbiemart.


The opinions, comments, and advice offered by me, are mine alone.
As such, they carry as much weight as a feather in a snow storm.
Gear Page at: http://www3.sympatico.ca/cybrserf/Gear.htm
Post by Mike Dotson
Steve if you do follow the group that's great. We like to have fun with real
Spammers as I'm sure you know. So if we were a bit harsh IO'm sure you'll
I think you said your musical partner's mom was a friend of your wife's.
2003-08-29 16:45:21 UTC
Hi All,

I did say it was spam and I did post to a bunch of newsgroups. So
what? I've been newsgroups since they were dial up BBS's. I'm an
anti-spammer but in this case I've been in these lists for a long time
and if I can reap some benefits for my business that's great for me. I
also feel that I can benefit in two ways from the people I've been
looking at for years. The first way is that I can let musicians and
music people know about my web hosting (This is a candidate for spam
haters). But the reviews I asked for were largely ignored except by
one and I appreciate those comments.

So for those I pissed off, sorry. For the others please listen to our
stuff and give us real comments and, if you need a web site, consider


Steve Lewis

P.S. I ran this through spell check. You are so picky.

On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 15:13:41 GMT, Dwain Wilder
Post by CyberSerf
<sigh>...No such luck Mike...I noticed that today Steve copied the exact
same introduction in RMMG...the same one he posted here...word-for-word...It
would have been pleasant if Steve's motives were other than commercial, but
I have serious reservations...and saddly, in my books, he is one post away
from a royal PLONK!
Methinks something is rotten in Debbiemart.
So, forgive me guys for being such a naif: what the hell is a "plonk"? I see
reference to it from time to time and haven't been able to derive a meaning from
any context.